Recognizing Warning Signs of Mental Illness: We're Here to Support and Guide
Mental illness can manifest in various ways, and often, early intervention can lead to better outcomes. It's crucial to be aware of the signs and to understand that they don't signify weakness but a call for understanding and support. Here are some warning signs to watch for
Persistent Sadness or Irritability
Prolonged feelings of unhappiness or frequent mood swings can be indicative.
Distancing from friends, family, or activities they once enjoyed.
Drastic Changes in Eating or Sleeping Patterns
​This includes overeating, loss of appetite, insomnia, or oversleeping.
Substance Misuse
An increased reliance on drugs or alcohol.
Shifts in Concentration
Trouble focusing or frequently feeling scattered and disorganized.
Detachment from Reality
Experiencing paranoia, hallucinations, or delusions.
Intense Fears or Worries
Unmanageable levels of anxiety or fears about specific events or things.
Decreased Energy
Feeling consistently fatigued or lacking motivation for everyday tasks.
Unexplained Aches and Pains
Persistent physical discomfort without a clear medical cause.
Feelings of Hopelessness
Persistent thoughts that things will never improve or get better.
Reckless Behavior
Engaging in harmful activities or taking unnecessary risks.
Extreme Mood Changes
Sharp shifts between highs and lows.
Thoughts of Self-harm or Suicide
Any talk or behavior suggesting self-harm or ending one's life should be taken very seriously.
If you or someone you know exhibits any of these signs, it's essential to seek professional guidance.
How Foundation Senior Service is Here to Help:
Compassionate Care
At Foundation Senior Service, we provide a judgment-free space where individuals can open up about their struggles and feelings.
Tailored Interventions
Understanding that every individual is unique, our therapeutic interventions are personalized to fit specific needs.
Confidentiality Ensured
We value and uphold the strictest standards of privacy, so you can be assured that your journey with us remains private.
Education & Awareness
Our team comprises experts trained in identifying and addressing a wide spectrum of mental health challenges.
Holistic Approach
We blend traditional therapies with modern techniques, ensuring a well-rounded approach to mental wellness.
Recognizing the warning signs is the first step. Seeking help is the next. At Foundation Senior Service, we stand ready to guide you or your loved ones through the journey to mental well-being. Remember, you're not alone, and help is just a call away.